After years of struggling with irregular periods, chronic fatigue, mood swings, inflammation, digestive issues, and weight gain, I decided I had enough. I remember it so vividly—I collapsed to the floor from weakness and that’s when I told myself never again. The doctors I originally sought help from couldn’t help me (actually, they made symptoms worse), so I made it my job to fix it.  

I entered the world of holistic and functional healing and moved away from what was commonly accepted by society. From believing my symptoms and lab results were always “normal” to working with a holistic doctor who diagnosed my autoimmune disease and unhealed emotional trauma, my life was changed.

I honored my body by removing toxins and fueling myself with the best. I learned how to heal from the root cause of my autoimmune symptoms and listen to what my body needed. Most importantly, I have eliminated fear from my life and continue to trust my journey.

Along this path of healing, I continued my education on a credited level so I could guide women in overcoming the struggles I experienced. It’s my goal to help shift the narrative and provide encouragement to those who have been turned away from conventional medicine and are left feeling alone—know that you don’t have to feel this way. You can say no and go against the grain; you can find confidence in speaking up without feeling like an outcast. I say this because I’ve been there, I did it, and I feel like the best version of myself.

You can too.


Angelica Pellegrino, INHC