Natural Postpartum healing Essentials

Maintaining a low-toxic, holistic lifestyle has been a crucial part to my healing journey, which meant carrying the same practice into my all-natural birth and postpartum experience.

I believe that the best thing you can do for yourself is prepare for postpartum. Give your body what it deserves—rest and alone time with your newborn. Create a plan to receive whole-food nourishment and support will make all the difference during this mental & physical transition.

Start by establishing the basics: prayer, rest, whole foods nourishment, skin to skin with baby, grounding, and sunshine. If you have the financial means, invest in acupuncture, chiropractic care, and at-home massage.

In addition to my “baseline”, I researched for the “cleanest” products that would help nourish, restore, and comfort my body. Below are my postpartum essentials that I would purchase again.


AfterEase - My doula was literally pouring this into my mouth right when I got into bed after delivery. I read online about women who experienced heavy contractions and painful healing postpartum, which I never experienced.

Milk Moon Postpartum Restorative Tonic - My client, a Holisitic Practitoner, gifted me this postpartum. It’s healing AND tastes delicious, a win win. I now gift this to all my pregnant mamas.

Choline - I continued taking Choline postpartum for baby to get the benefits through breastmilk.

Adrenal Cocktail - Okay, this supplement is foul, but when I’m feeling depleted I always find myself gravitating toward it. Your body just delivered human life, give your adrenals the extra support they deserve.

LIVER - Nutrients to help restore your body after blood loss, also beneficial for baby through breast milk.

Bone Broth - Warming, especially pleasant immediately after giving birth

Magnesium bath Soak - Restore magnesium levels while providing your body with relaxation. If you don’t have a bath, Ancient Minerals sells a cream. I also share Earthley’s Magnesium Goodnight Lotion with my baby.

Quinton Minerals - Natural electrolyte and source of micronutrients

Coconut Water - To restore your body with electrolytes

REISHI - Medicinal mushrooms to aid healing, support immune system, and help milk supply

Organic Underwear - Buy. Extra. This brand isn’t sold in store.

Peri Bottle - My doula created an herbal blend that I kept warm in a Yeti next to my toilet. Every time I had to use the restroom, I would fill the peri bottle. This made peeing managable.

Organic Sitz Bath - As mentioned above, keep next to toilet to use in peri bottle to help sooth or use as a steam. My doula provided me with a portable seat to steam over.

Organic Breast Pads - Again, buy extra. As a first time mama, I didn’t expect to leak through everything like I did.

ORGANIC COTTON PAD - For when you’re still bleeding, but no longer need the underwear.

Not medical advice, please consult your medical provider.
This post contains affiliate links. Please note that I would never share a product that we have not tried or would not personally use.


Natural Newborn Essentials


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